Antion's Music
New album Urban Kirtan just released!
Antion's Healing
Hawaii, Thailand and New Zealand
Hey people, my beloveds! Let's intend this together! It is so wonderful to feel our worldwide togetherness, our Oneness, I love the joy of it! Join me and millions in this powerful worldwide activation!
Spiritual Talk
The best spiritual talk i have ever heard in my life - MF.
Rare full Antion and Elandra interview
Elandra: I have a big passion for what I believe is possible when it comes to love and ageless living, and so I love it when people say, “You radiate so much light and love, how do you do it?” Or “What are the secrets to your marriage longevity, how do you manage to...
Breathe! Newsletter 10/22
Love! Breathe! Our daughter Pritam (wrote on September 2), "My father Antion Vikram Singh Meredith, the love of my mother’s life for 49 years, died two months ago. There’s been record-setting rain the last few days where my mother lives (still winter there.) Auckland...
Missing Him Newsletter 09/21
My Beloved Antion of my Heart and Soul He is gone. But I still expect him back! Like, any minute, just showing up... Just walking in the door... But... he is gone. Yet... still... he is ONE with me. Merged and melded as ONE we are, Here, there and everywhere One till...
Thoughts from Antion’s loved ones "I am amazed at how I'm taken aback when I either see a picture of Antion or hear his music My heart feels his love so deeply as though he's right here. That just happened again when seeing the New Lynn Gurdwara ceremony....

On January 17th 2021, at 9am Mountain Time, I was in conversation with respected chronicler of the Gurbani Sangeet musical heritage (amongst his many other talents), Bhai Baldeep Singh.
Who knows where this interaction will be taking us, but I’m sure we will be covering how I brought Gurbani Kirtan to American ears. Also why, even though I am still a firm believer in the power of Gurbani Sangeet, I have decided to focus on opening the possibilities of Gurbani in Western musical settings.
A new Graphic Video History of Antion
I am feeling very happy to share true story of British Musician who was playing Guitar and Piano with many groups including The Animals, The Echoes, Brian Auger and the Trinity, Johnny Hallyday and Eric Burdon. He became a rock musician, best known as the lead guitarist with Eric Burdon and The Animals during the 1966-1968 period. Currently plays classical Indian and Hawaiian music. In London he found a giani, Giani Joginder Singh Sarl, who agreed to teach him Gurbani Kirtan. As his name was Vic, the Giani suggested he call himself Vickram Singh.It wasn’t long before he realized that he would need to learn to read Panjabi and in particular the script or alphabet that the Guru Granth Sahib is written in, Gurmukhi. Briggs currently goes by the name Antion and plays Hawaiian chant music.

Born in London as Vic Briggs, Antion is a ‘60s rock star, sound healer, multicultural musician, world-class guitarist, singer, recording artist, Hawaiian chanter, master of sacred Sikh Kirtan, and international teacher of Naad Yoga, sacred voice and Vocal Empowerment. Antion’s multicultural mastery and practice of Sacred Voice has given him a unique perspective to help those who wish to nurture and develop Sacred Voice.
Based in New Zealand and Hawaii, he gives private Voice Empowerment coaching sessions and teaches workshops in Sacred Voice, Secrets of the Yoga of Sound, and Living Love Kundalini Yoga® together with his wife of over 40 years, Elandra.
Antion’s History in a Nutshell
Antion Meredith has had an amazing life, with many musical, lifestyle and geographical transitions.
When Ram Das spoke, Vic was deeply moved yet, at the same time, excited. He was beginning to see what he wanted for his own life.
chant & voice
If we accept the idea of Naada Brahma, meaning that God is sound (or Sound is God), then the question must be, how can we, as spiritual beings having a human experience, best use sound to release us from our earthly bonds and hasten our spiritual evolution towards our ultimate reunion with our Divine Selves and ultimately with the Supreme Creator.